Account User Instructions

User accounts are available to owners of all properties managed by Firm Management Corporation. Your account serves as a valuable source of information about your strata and provides access to vital documents. On the website, you will be able to find:

  • Annual and Special General Meeting notices and minutes for the past calendar year
  • Financial statements for the past calendar year
  • Strata council minutes for the past calendar year
  • Depreciation report, bylaws, rules and other essential documents relating to your strata
  • Notices of any upcoming maintenance work that may impact strata residents

For social events/calendar, please consult with your strata council for how best to receive this information, as it is beyond the scope of this website. Owners may choose whether they wish to receive notifications when new documents are uploaded, or if they would prefer to check the website at their leisure.

Create an Account

If you are a new owner at one of our strata properties, please apply for your account.